Compartida por: Veronica Prieto

0 votos

15054 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 1er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Bloque II Semana 26 Sesión 1
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Lúdico y literario
Actividad Comunicativa Comprensión del yo y del otro Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Entiende cuentos para relacionarlos con experiencias propias.
Aprendizaje Esperado Sigue la lectura en voz alta de un cuento.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:05

1. Have the video suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section ready.

2. Prepare the beam projector to show students the video on the board.


Desarrollo 00:35

3. Before playing the video, read the title of the story and ask students what they know about it. Let students tell you everything they know about it and do not correct them right now.

4. Project the video and have students watch and listen to the story.

5. Once the video is over, ask students some key questions: "Who did you see?" "What happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story?" etc. and elicit answers from various students.

6. Write students’ answers on the board and make sure most students participate.

7. Play the video again and turn on the subtitles in English for students to read the story as they listen to it.

8. If you want, you can lower the volume and have students read from the subtitles to retell the story.


The Ugly Duckling / Classic Fairy Tale / Stories for Kids

The Ugly Duckling / Classic Fairy Tale / Stories for Kids

Cierre 00:10

9. Finally, have some volunteers retell the story with as many details as they remember it. Help if necessary.


Evalúa Assess students’ level in oral expression: • Students are able to clarify the meaning of words. • Students are able to recognize characters from a tale. • Students are able to follow the reading aloud of a tale.

Compartida por: Veronica Prieto

0 votos

15055 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 1er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Bloque II Semana 26 Sesión 2
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Lúdico y literario
Actividad Comunicativa Comprensión del yo y del otro Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Entiende cuentos para relacionarlos con experiencias propias.
Aprendizaje Esperado Sigue la lectura en voz alta de un cuento.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:05

1. Download the file and print the worksheet suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section and make photocopies for each student.



Desarrollo 00:35

2. Give away the photocopies to each student and read the instructions aloud. Make sure they understand them.

3. Have students to look at the illustrations for the story and ask them what they think the story is about. Elicit answers.

4. Read the story out loud for students to get familiar with it and have them follow along silently.

5. Clarify new vocabulary words and write them on the board for students to later incorporate them in their glossaries or personal dictionaries.

6. Practice some reading activities as a class; you can have students read the story after you, then in smaller groups or pairs, etc.

7. Continue with the second part of the activity and have students look at the pictures and describe them.

8. Read the questions and have students mark their answers. If they struggle with the answers, have some volunteers clarify them. 9. Give students some time to answer each question individually.


A fantasy story

A fantasy story

Cierre 00:10

10. Finally, review students' answers as a group, and invite volunteers to read or retell the story out loud.

11. You can have students color the pictures in the story for homework.


Evalúa Assess students’ level in oral expression: • Students are able to clarify meaning of words that express important items in a story with graphic support. • Students are able to detect with graphic support, the topic of a story.

Compartida por: Veronica Prieto

0 votos

15056 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Primaria Grado escolar 1er grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Bloque II Semana 26 Sesión 3
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Lúdico y literario
Actividad Comunicativa Comprensión del yo y del otro Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Entiende cuentos para relacionarlos con experiencias propias.
Aprendizaje Esperado Sigue la lectura en voz alta de un cuento.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:05

1. Download the PDF file and print the story suggested in the “Materiales Educativos Digitales” section.

2. Make photocopies of the complete story for each student. The complete story is five pages long.

Desarrollo 00:35

3. Before giving students their photocopies, write the title of the story on the board and ask them if they know it.

4. Give students a chance to tell you what the story is about, who are the characters, etc.

5. Give away the photocopies to each student and before starting with the lesson, let them look at all the images in it.

6. Ask students to color the pictures, do not start reading the story right away. Give them a reasonable amount of time for this.

7. Once students finish coloring their stories, have them go to the first page and read the story out loud.

8. Have students follow your reading and ask them to point out the words they hear.

9. You can also encourage students to complete the phrases as you go through the scenes, by letting them read the words they are familiar with.

10. From time to time, ask students to predict what will happen next in the story sequence.


Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Cierre 00:10

11. Finally, since this story does not have an ending, encourage students to use their imagination and make up the ending of the story.

12. Have some volunteers share their endings with the rest of the class.


Evalúa Assess students’ level in oral expression: • Students are able to follow the reading out loud of a tale. • Students are able to point out illustrated characters when hearing their name. • Students are able to detect with graphic support experiences of others.
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