Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez

2 votos

5056 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque I Semana 8a
Tema Leer y comprender diferentes tipos de textos literarios propios de países en los que se habla inglés
Competencia a desarrollar Leer literatura de suspenso y describir estados de ánimo Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Utiliza diversas estrategias para comprender narraciones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:25 More suspense stories 1. Show the video “The lost crown of Anglia”. It is a 14 minutes suspense story. After each chapter, give to the students a short time for questions. Answer and discuss with the whole group all of them. Each chapter is written to leave the reader in suspense. The lost crown of Anglia

The lost crown of Anglia

Desarrollo 00:25 2. The whole group analyze the story. Guide the discussion with the following questions: • Which of the following suspense techniques do you find in this story? Delaying the answer to a question Slowing down at a moment of intensity Using dramatic irony Verbal cues Near miss • Where in the story do you find the previous techniques? • Why do you think this is a suspense story? • Why the crowns got lost? • Where did Paxton find the last crown? • What happened to him? • Why?

Cierre 00:10 3. Have the students read the vocabulary list included The lost crown of Anglia page. Ask the students to write a sentence with four of the words in this list.

Evaluación Assess students’ learning by: • The student understands the general sense of the story. • The student follows the meaning of the words from context. • The student can identify the elements of suspense

Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez

0 votos

5057 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque I Semana 8b
Tema Leer y comprender diferentes tipos de textos literarios propios de países en los que se habla inglés
Competencia a desarrollar Leer literatura de suspenso y describir estados de ánimo Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Utiliza diversas estrategias para comprender narraciones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:20 Making the Emotionary 1. Each student chooses a story for his final product of this project. The students must make a table with two columns to write the name of the characters and the emotions they experience in the story.

Desarrollo 00:25 2. Based on this table, the students write sentences describing the characters and their emotions. They order the words alphabetically and write the sentences beside each word. For example: Lonely: Mr. Paxton is a lonely man. He spends vacations in an almost empty place. Scared: Mr. Paxton feels scared because of the strange presence heʼs feeling since he found the lost crown.

Cierre 00:15 3. Have the students make a poster about their Emotionary to present it to the class. They title it with the name of the story they have chosen. For example: Emotionary of “The last crown of Anglia. Ask them to illustrate it. They can do it using the computer.

Evaluación Assess students’ learning by: • The student writes sentences using proper adjectives to describe emotions. • The sentences are clear and complete. • The student participates respectfully at a satisfactory level in all activities.

Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez

0 votos

5058 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque I Semana 8c
Tema Leer y comprender diferentes tipos de textos literarios propios de países en los que se habla inglés
Competencia a desarrollar Leer literatura de suspenso y describir estados de ánimo Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Utiliza diversas estrategias para comprender narraciones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:40 Presenting the Emotionary 1. Ask each student to come to the front and read the title and the sentences of her/his Emotionary. The description of the characters gives the class an idea of the story.

Desarrollo 00:10 2. Discuss with the class about the suspense stories they have read and if they liked them and why/why not.

Cierre 00:10 3. Ask the students to answer the following questions: • Was it hard to read and understand the suspense stories? • What do you like about suspense? • What did you like the most/the least about writing your Emotionary? • Can you describe your own emotions in different situations of your life?

Evaluación Assess students’ learning by: • The student understands the general sense of a suspense story • The student is able to describe emotions and feeling in a proper sentence. • The final product of the project is the best way to evaluate the work of the students.
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