A board game for students to express feelings and emotions
Sugerencia de uso
1. Explain that the students are going to play a board game where they talk about how they felt the last time certain things happened to them.
2. Divide the students into pairs.
3. Give each pair a copy of the game board, a dice, and two counters.
4. The students place their counters on the start square.
5. The first student to throw a six starts the game.
6. The students then take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter along the board.
7. When a student lands on a square, their partner asks them the 'How did you feel...?' question on the square. The student then answers the question by describing how they felt the last time the thing happened to them.
8. Encourage students to ask their partner follow-up questions to continue the conversation and gain more information.
9. The first student to reach the finish wins the game.
10.When Everyones finished, have a class feedback session to find out how students felt about each topic and to elicit suitable adjectives to describe their feelings and emotions. Any interesting findings can be discussed in more detail.
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