A reading comprehension activity for students to review a classic tale
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1. Download the file and make copies for students and distribute them to work individually.
2. Draw students’ attention towards the picture of the princess and ask them who that is, ‘ALICE IN WONDERLAND’
3. Ask students to name other characters in the story (rabbit, mad hatter, etc.)
4. Start with the ‘circle the correct choice’ exercise so ask students to read the sentences and raise their hand to give you their answer. Help with vocabulary as needed.
5. Ask students to read the statements to practice telling a story.
6. Continue with exercise ‘ write true/false’ and repeat the procedure as in the section above.
7. Work with the WH_questions orally and help with sentence structure.
8. Ask students to work in pairs and choose information from the three sections to talk for one minute about ‘Alice in Wonderland’.
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