A worksheet for students to practice comparing news in different newspapers
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1. Download the file and make copies for students. This file has 3 pages, you will need the first two for this session.
2. Write on the board this headline and ask students how many different ways to say it they can think of, “ HEAVY STORM LEAVES PROVOKES BLACKOUT” and write some of those sentences.
3. Distribute the first page of the handout and read about the advantages and disadvantages of PRINT (only), leave the rest of the information for later in the next session.
4. Distribute the second-page COMPARING NEWS FORMATS and tell students this is good practice to read the same piece of news from two different media: print and online.
5. Ask students to read the news and help with grammar and vocabulary as needed. Is it the same piece of news?
6. Invite students to answer the questions at the bottom of the news in pairs.
7. Invite students to share their answers with the class.
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