A video clip from an old silent movie for students to revise and discuss
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1. Use the beam projector to show the clip to students.
2. Ask students if they like mystery movies and horror films and what feeling they experience with them.
3. Invite students to discuss what the elements in a horror film are necessary to project in the audience terror and if visual effects are necessary or not.
4. Ask the class to imagine those films in the 1900s, then, in the 1800s… and record some of the answers.
5. Tell students they are going to watch a clip The Haunted Castle and talk about it with a group.
6. Play the video. It is probable that your students will find it ‘funny’ regarding the visual effects and the location.
7. Ask students to identify, a) setting b) characters c) title cards d) clothes e) effects
8. Invite students to work in groups of three and share their answers to discuss them.
9. Encourage students to appreciate this clip as a cultural experience and not only as a simple class activity to work with.
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