Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

17688 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 2do grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo I Semana 14 Sesión 1
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Familiar y comunitario
Actividad Comunicativa Intercambios asociados a información de uno mismo y de otros Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Comenta experiencias propias y de otros en una conversación.
Aprendizaje Esperado Comparte experiencias personales en una conversación.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Have the beam projector ready to show the video suggested in the “MaterialesEducativosDigitales” section, and download, print and make photocopies for students of the file for the second activity.

2. Review in a few steps how a statement can be changed into reported speech.

3. Tell students they are going to have a great time listening to what these kids answered to the questions their parents asked them.

Beats 2 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 89-104.

Desarrollo 00:25

4. Play the video but decide before hand if you want to us it complete or just half of it. The whole video is hilarious so it might be worth playing complete.

5. Make pauses for students to complete the sentences in their notebooks. Tell students they cannot say their answers aloud since everybody is different and may need time to process then to answer.

6. Help students paraphrasing what the kids say and play with the humor in the video as part of a listening comprehension activity.

7. Play the video again and ask volunteers to read their sentences while the rest of the class listens and makes suggestions.

Kids say the funniest things: reported speech

Kids say the funniest things: reported speech

Cierre 00:15

8. Distribute the worksheet and set a time limit.

9. Ask students to underline the verb forms and identify the tenses so they can work easily. If necessary, remind them what the tense change.

10. When time is up, ask students to mingle and exchange their worksheets with other students, read the sentences, and make corrections.

11. Ask students to return the worksheets to their original owners and read the answers for final confirmation.

Reported speech practice

Reported speech practice

Evalúa What is the reported sentence of this sentence said by Miguel , " I am going to buy a new video game." a) Miguel said that he was going to buy a new video game. b) Miguel said that I am going to buy a new video game. c) Miguel told me he is going to buy a new video game. d) Miguel said that I was going to buy a new video game.

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

17689 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 2do grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo I Semana 14 Sesión 2
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Familiar y comunitario
Actividad Comunicativa Intercambios asociados a información de uno mismo y de otros Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Comenta experiencias propias y de otros en una conversación.
Aprendizaje Esperado Comparte experiencias personales en una conversación.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:10

1. Have the beam projector ready to show the video suggested in the “MaterialesEducativosDigitales” section, and download, print and make photocopies for students of the file for the second activity.

2.  Write on the board, ‘Close the window, please’, ‘Do not use a dictionary for the activity’, and ask students what they have in common (commands) and what they express.

3.  Tell students that ‘orders’ (commands) can also be put in reported speech like any other statement so ask students to imagine that the above sentences were said by you and when the video is finished they are going to put them in reported speech.

Beats 2 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 89-104.

Desarrollo 00:25

4. Play the video and ask students to copy the examples given.

5. When the video finishes, ask students to complete the above sentences and also change the affirmative into negative and the negative into affirmative.

6. Ask students to also try the question form (yes/no question).

7. Have volunteers narrate the video and talk about reported commands.

Reported orders

Reported orders

Cierre 00:15

8. Ask students to think of a situation that made them feel stressed. What was it? What happened?  When did it happen?

9. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to choose their answers individually.

10. Ask students to work in pairs and check their answers while you write them on the board as well for final confirmation.

Emotions expressed in personal experiences

Emotions expressed in personal experiences

Evalúa Choose the reported command, a) My brothr told me not to use his bike. b)My brother said me to use his bike. c) My brother told not to use his bike. d) My brother said use not his bike.

Compartida por: Silvia Raya

0 votos

17690 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 2do grado Campo y Asignatura Inglés Módulo I Semana 14 Sesión 3
Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje Familiar y comunitario
Actividad Comunicativa Intercambios asociados a información de uno mismo y de otros Duración 0 horas, 40 minutos
Práctica Social del Lenguaje Comenta experiencias propias y de otros en una conversación.
Aprendizaje Esperado Comparte experiencias personales en una conversación.
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Bibliografía
Inicio 00:00

1. Download the files suggested in the “MaterialesEducativosDigitales” section, and make photocopies for students.

2. Divide the students into groups of three and give each group a set of direct speech cards and a set of reported speech cards.

Beats 2 Secondary, Correo del Maestro, Sally Marshall, México, 2021, pp. 89-104.

Desarrollo 00:25

3. Divide the students into groups of three and give each group a set of direct speech cards and a set of reported speech cards.3. Ask the students to shuffle each set of cards and spread them out face down on the table in two sets.

4. Players take it in turns to turn over a direct speech card and read what's on the card, e.g. "I like pizza", she said. Then,  the player then changes the direct speech into reported speech, e.g. 'She said that she liked pizza'.

5. Next, the player tries to find the sentence by turning over one of the reported speech cards.

6. If the player turns over the corresponding card, the student keeps the pair of cards and has another turn. If the two cards don't match or the player's sentence is not the same as what's on the reported speech card, the player turns the two cards back over, keeping them in the same place.

7. Players must correctly say the reported speech before they try to find the corresponding card. If a player is unable to correctly form the reported speech, the direct speech card is turned back over, and play passes to the next student.

8. The game continues until all the cards have been matched and the student with the most pairs of cards at the end of the game wins.

Game: reported speech

Game: reported speech

Cierre 00:15

9. Tell students they are going to review how to report commands into (reported) speech.

10. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to work in groups of three.

11.  Model the activity by answering sentence 1 and tell students they have 10 minutes to write their sentences.

12. When time is up, say the numbers aloud and ask students to read their sentences while the rest of the class completes their worksheets and/or corrects their sentences.

Reported commands

Reported commands

Evalúa Read the sentence and choose the command, " Luisa asked me not to arrive late to her party.", a) Luisa, "Do not arrive late to my party." b) Luisa, " I am asking you not to arrive late to my party." c) Luisa, don't arrive late to my party. d) Luisa, not arrive to my party.
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