Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez

3 votos

5047 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque I Semana 5a
Tema Leer y comprender diferentes tipos de textos literarios propios de países en los que se habla inglés
Competencia a desarrollar Leer literatura de suspenso y describir estados de ánimo Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Utiliza diversas estrategias para comprender narraciones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:25 Project: Inventory of emotions 1. Explain the project they will develop is an “Emotionary”, an inventory of words related to emotions. Students will make a list of sentences describing emotional situations. They will read suspense stories and write sentences inspired in them. They must use an adequate vocabulary (adjectives), and a correct grammar (conditionals) and be careful of the homophones to make the sentences. 2. Ask the students what they think about the “emoticons” they use to send messages in social networks. What emotions do they represent? 3. Show the video What if WhatsApp Emoticons Were a Woman? Discuss the video with the class: What emotion would you relate with each emoticon? What do the gestures of the woman mean? What if Whatsapp Emoticons were a woman?

What if Whatsapp Emoticons were a woman?

Desarrollo 00:25 4. Project on a screen the Smiley face feeling card and have the students read the emotions the faces represent. Ask the students to search for the meaning of the unknown words. Print the card and have the students write a sentence below each image, as they would do in a message. For example: below a happy face they can write: I am happy for your success. Smiley face feelings card

Smiley face feelings card

Cierre 00:10 Sing The Feelings Song. It is a song that illustrates the subject. As homework, ask the students to write a first vocabulary list of the words related to emotions. The feelings song

The feelings song

Evaluación Assess students’ learning by: • The student understands what to do to for the final product of the project. • The student learns and understands the vocabulary referred to emotions. • The student is able to relate images with a description of an emotion.

Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez

0 votos

5048 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque I Semana 5b
Tema Leer y comprender diferentes tipos de textos literarios propios de países en los que se habla inglés
Competencia a desarrollar Leer literatura de suspenso y describir estados de ánimo Duración 0 horas, 50 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Utiliza diversas estrategias para comprender narraciones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:25 Concept of suspense. 1. Show the video How Authors Create Suspense to the students. As there are no subtitles you need to answer the vocabulary questions students make. When the video finishes, ask to the students: • Which are the three techniques to create suspense mentioned in the video? • Can you describe each one of them? (Delaying the answer to a question, Slowing down at a moment of intensity, Using dramatic irony) • Can you choose an example of each technique in a story you know? Suspense in literature

Suspense in literature

Desarrollo 00:15 2. Show to the students a fragment of the video Suspense in literature. It explains another technique to create suspense. There is a transcription, so the students can follow the text. After the projection, ask the students: • How can you describe the Verbal Cues technique to create suspense? • What is the verbal cue in the example of the video? •Give another example? Suspense in literature

Suspense in literature

Cierre 00:10 3. Show to the students the Elements of suspense presentation. It´s a Prezi presentation that repeats some of the elements saw in the videos, but gives more details. It contains also a short video from the Goonies movie. Ask the students what is a “Near Miss”. As homework, ask the students to make a synoptic table of the elements and techniques for creating suspense. Use the three used materials to complete it. Suspense in literature

Suspense in literature

Evaluación Assess students’ learning by: • The students understand the information given in the materials. • The student is able to resume the information in a synoptic table. • The student is able to illustrate the concepts with examples from stories they already know.

Compartida por: Sylvia Benítez

0 votos

5049 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque I Semana 5c
Tema Leer y comprender diferentes tipos de textos literarios propios de países en los que se habla inglés
Competencia a desarrollar Leer literatura de suspenso y describir estados de ánimo Duración 1 horas, 10 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Utiliza diversas estrategias para comprender narraciones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:25 A story of suspense 1. Ask the students: What is suspense? Brainstorm names of stories that students consider suspense stories. Have them give the reasons. Write the names on the board.

Desarrollo 00:25 2. Project to the students the video The Message of Death by M. R. James. It is a suspense story divided in 5 short chapters. We recommend that after showing each chapter, you give to the students time for questions. Each chapter is written to leave the reader in suspense. The message of death by M. R. James

The message of death by M. R. James

Cierre 00:20 3. Organized in pairs, the students analyze the story. Ask them: • Why the name of the story is The Message of Death? • Which of the character is the messenger? •Which elements of the story are unreal? • Which techniques use the author to create suspense? As homework, ask the students to search for suspense stories in the school library, in their home books or online. They will choose one of them for their final project. They will read it during the next two weeks. Register the story chosen by each student.

Evaluación Assess students’ learning by: • The student understands the general sense of the story. • The student follows the meaning of words from context. • The student is able to identify the elements of suspense • The student can relate the characters with the emotion they feel in the context of the story.
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