Compartida por: Denise Salazar

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7124 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 24a
Tema Leer y reescribir textos de divulgación propios de un área de estudio
Competencia a desarrollar Escribir un informe breve sobre un acontecimiento histórico Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Formula preguntas para diferenciar ideas principales de ideas secundarias
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:10 1. Download the “Causes and Effects: Short-term and Long-term” worksheet suggested in the “Recursos” section to your computer and make photocopies of the worksheet per team. 2. Tell students that for the following three sessions, they will work in teams and develop a project called “Report Anthology of Historical Events”. 3. Organize students in groups of three or four students. Causes and Effects: Short-term and Long-term

Causes and Effects: Short-term and Long-term

Desarrollo 00:20 4. Tell students what an anthology is (a collection of selected writings by various authors on the same subject) and ask them to give you some examples they know. 5. Give students a photocopy of the “Causes and Effects: Short-term and Long-term” worksheet and analyze it as a group. The photocopy shows as topic World War I but it can be modified. 6. Agree with students on a decade of the 20th century and ask them to choose a historical event.

Cierre 00:30 7. Have students do some research about it using different sources of information, books, the Internet, encyclopedias, etc. and have them complete the worksheet with the information they find. 8. Have students work for the last 30 minutes in class organizing themselves and deciding on how they will complete their work for the project. Walk around and help them if necessary.

Evaluación Assess students' level in oral and writing expression: • Students are able to communicate with their classmates in a clear and fluent way and decide on how to build a project. • Students are able to understand causes and effects of historic events. • Students are able to recognize different situations and use the appropriate structures to express opinions • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to build complete and meaningful sentences and to express their opinion to build a project.

Compartida por: Denise Salazar

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7125 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 24b
Tema Leer y reescribir textos de divulgación propios de un área de estudio
Competencia a desarrollar Escribir un informe breve sobre un acontecimiento histórico Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Corrobora convenciones ortográficas y ajusta el lenguaje para el destinatario y propósito, para editar informes
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Have the Web site with the “Understanding the Writing Process” posters suggested in the “Recursos” section ready to show it to students. 2. Tell students that writing a report is a complete process and that there are stages they need to follow. Understanding the Writing Process

Understanding the Writing Process

Desarrollo 00:25 3. Show students the “Understanding the Writing Process” posters and have some volunteers read both posters. Make sure students understand each stage and clarify any doubts. 4. Give students enough time to copy in their notebooks the most relevant information from both posters. 5. Advise them to take into consideration each of these stages as well as the questions presented in the second poster when they work in their projects.

Cierre 00:30 6. Give students the last 30 minutes in class to continue working on their project. Walk around monitoring their work and help them if necessary.

Evaluación Assess students' level in oral and writing expression: • Students are able to recognize the different stages in the writing process and follow them to complete their work. • Students are able to organize and support their ideas. • Students are able to work in a team and agree on a design to present their work. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to build complete and meaningful sentences, and to consider the different stages in the writing process.

Compartida por: Denise Salazar

0 votos

7126 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 24c
Tema Leer y reescribir textos de divulgación propios de un área de estudio
Competencia a desarrollar Escribir un informe breve sobre un acontecimiento histórico Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Redacta un informe breve, a partir de un modelo
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:10 1. Download the “Pivotal Events in…” worksheet suggested in the “Recursos” section and make photocopies of the worksheet for each student. 2. Before students present their project to their classmates, give them away the photocopies. Pivotal events in…

Pivotal events in…

Desarrollo 00:35 3. Read and analyze the worksheet and tell students to complete it with the information included in their classmates’ written reports. Pleas notice that the title of the worksheet reads “World War I” but it can be adapted to the decade or century students worked on. 4. After students have presented their work, ask them to integrate their reports in the anthology. Act only as a monitor and help them with the organization only if it is really necessary.

Cierre 00:15 5. Ask students to keep their worksheet as evidence of their work or have them paste it in their notebooks or include it in their portfolios. 6. Once students have finished, have them share their individual and team experiences with the rest of the class.

Evaluación Assess students' level in oral and writing expression: • Students are able to structure sentences to write about historical events. • Students are able to organize their ideas as well as to summarize them. • Students are able to work in a team and agree on a design to present their work. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to build complete and meaningful sentences, to formulate questions and to participate in the creation and edition of an anthology.
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