Compartida por: Denise Salazar

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7115 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 21a
Tema Leer y reescribir textos de divulgación propios de un área de estudio
Competencia a desarrollar Escribir un informe breve sobre un acontecimiento histórico Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Escribe enunciados simples y complejos
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Have the “Adverb Awareness Quiz” suggested in the “Recursos” section ready to show it to students. 2. Remind student what an adverb is, how it works and its position in a sentence. Write a sentence with an example on the board and have students analyze it. Adverb Awareness Quiz

Adverb Awareness Quiz

Desarrollo 00:30 3. Show students the quiz on the board using the projector for everyone to see it. 4. Read the description / instructions section and make sure students understand what to do. 5. Divide the class into four teams and click the “Click Here To Take Test” button to start the exercise. Assign turns to each team to answer the questions. 6. Ask students to read the complete sentences as well as the answers before they choose an option.

Cierre 00:25 7. Once the quiz is over, have students form smaller teams and ask them to write at least 5 sentences using adverbs. 8. Have students share their sentences with the rest of their classmates by reading them aloud.

Evaluación Assess students' oral and written expression levels: • Students are able to identify different parts of speech. • Students are able to recognize adverbs and place them correctly when writing a sentence. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to build complete and meaningful sentences using adverbs.

Compartida por: Denise Salazar

0 votos

7116 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 21b
Tema Leer y reescribir textos de divulgación propios de un área de estudio
Competencia a desarrollar Escribir un informe breve sobre un acontecimiento histórico Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Vincula enunciados para formar párrafos
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Visit the Web site suggested in the “Recursos” section and have the game “Conjunction Game for Kids” ready to show it to students. 2. Remind students what a conjunction is and ask them for some examples and write them on the board. Conjunction Game for Kids

Conjunction Game for Kids

Desarrollo 00:40 3. Tell students conjunctions are joining words and they help us to join ideas together. 4. Show students the “Conjunction Game for Kids” on the board using the projector and read the instructions. Make sure students understand what to do. 5. Divide the group into three or four teams and play a competition. 6. Have the team captain of each team tell you the answer that best completes the sentences. 7. When you click the “Done” button, ask students to copy in their notebooks the explanation that pops up.

Cierre 00:15 8. Once the game is over, ask students to form smaller teams and have them make a chart about conjunctions based on the explanations they copied in their notebooks. Have them write some examples too.

Evaluación Assess students' oral and written expression levels: • Students are able to recognize the uses and functions of conjunctions. • Students are able to organize the conjunctions in a chart and write sentences to illustrate each of them. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to build complete and meaningful sentences using conjunctions.

Compartida por: Denise Salazar

0 votos

7117 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 3er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque III Semana 21c
Tema Leer y reescribir textos de divulgación propios de un área de estudio
Competencia a desarrollar Escribir un informe breve sobre un acontecimiento histórico Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Vincula enunciados para formar párrafos
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Download the “Personal Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives” presentation suggested in the “Recursos” section to your computer or tablet and have it ready to show it to students. 2. Tell students there are different types of pronouns and adjectives and that each of them is used with a different and specific purpose. Personal Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives

Personal Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives

Desarrollo 00:35 3. Show students the presentation on the board, using a beam projector for everyone to see it. 3. Read the title and have volunteers read each of the slides aloud to the rest of the class. Make sure students understand the uses and functions of each of the pronouns and clarify any possible doubts. 4. Ask students to copy the chart on slide 7 in their notebooks.

Cierre 00:20 5. Have students form teams of three or four students and ask them to write two examples using the different types of pronouns. 6. Ask some volunteers to pass to the front and write their examples on the board for everyone to see them and to check they are correct.

Evaluación Assess students' level in oral and written expression: • Students are able to identify and understand the uses and functions of different types of pronouns. • Students are able to use different types of pronouns in written sentences and examples. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to build complete and meaningful sentences using different types of pronouns.
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