Compartida por: Denise Salazar

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6663 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque II Semana 10a
Tema Comprender y escribir instrucciones
Competencia a desarrollar Comprender y redactar instrucciones para enfrentar una emergencia ambiental Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Aclara significado de los términos desconocidos para ampliar y afinar su vocabulario
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Visit the Web site suggested in the “recursos” section and download the presentation “What’s the weather like?” by clicking the “Request the worksheet” button in the page. Do this in advance. 2. Tell students that natural disasters or natural events are sometimes caused by weather. What's the weather like?

What's the weather like?

Desarrollo 00:40 3. Show students the power point presentation on the board by using the projector and go over the slides one by one. 4. Use slides 2 to 10 to explain students the vocabulary. Use slides 11 and 12 to teach students the way to ask questions about the weather.

Cierre 00:15 5. Have students get in pairs and use slides 13-16 to have them practice questions and answers about the weather. 6. Ask students to write in their notebooks the questions and answers they practiced with their partners.

Evaluación Assess students' oral expression level: • Students are able to express statements and personal opinion during a discussion in a clear and fluent way. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to build complete and meaningful sentences, as well as brief and meaningful speeches. Assess students’ reading comprehension level: • Students are able to understand a simple reading text and follow directions.

Compartida por: Denise Salazar

1 voto

6664 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque II Semana 10b
Tema Comprender y escribir instrucciones
Competencia a desarrollar Comprender y redactar instrucciones para enfrentar una emergencia ambiental Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Escribe y clasifica enunciados para crear secuencias de instrucciones
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Show students the “Sequencing” poster in the “recursos” section using the projector. 2. Ask students if they understand what sequencing is and elicit some answers. Sequencing


Desarrollo 00:25 3. Explain students sequencing helps us to follow the order of events, they can be used in present, past or future. 4. Ask students to read the poster and have them copy the transition words in their notebooks.

Cierre 00:30 5. Have students work in pairs and ask them to write a short story about their days so far using the transition words. Walk around and help if necessary. 6. Once they finish, have some volunteers share their work with the rest of the class.

Evaluación Assess students' oral and written expression levels: • Students are able to express statements using transition words and sequences accurately. • Students have enough vocabulary to build complete and meaningful sentences. • Students are able to use transition words in a short story.

Compartida por: Denise Salazar

0 votos

6665 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 2do grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque II Semana 10c
Tema Comprender y escribir instrucciones
Competencia a desarrollar Comprender y redactar instrucciones para enfrentar una emergencia ambiental Duración 1 horas, 20 minutos
Aprendizaje esperado Quita, agrega y/o cambia información para editar un instructivo
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Download the worksheet “Writing – Connectors of Sequence” suggested in the “recursos” section and make photocopies of the worksheet in advance. 2. Remind students about the sequence and transition words. Have students give you some examples. Writing Connectors of Sequence

Writing Connectors of Sequence

Desarrollo 00:35 4. Give away the photocopies and ask students to work silently while they answer the worksheet. Walk around to monitor their work and help them if necessary.

Cierre 00:40 5. Have students work in pairs to check their answers. 6. Ask some volunteers to read the blog entry they wrote on step 4 of the worksheet.

Evaluación Assess students' oral expression level: • Students are able to express statements using sequence words in a clear and fluent way. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to build complete and meaningful sentences, as well as brief and meaningful stories using sequence words. Assess students’ reading comprehension level: • Students are able to understand a simple reading text and follow directions.
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