Compartida por: Denise Salazar

9 votos

6576 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 1er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque II Semana 11a
Tema Comprender y escribir instrucciones
Competencia a desarrollar Escribir instrucciones para usar un diccionario bilingüe Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Comprende el uso de mayúsculas, minúsculas y abreviaturas en un diccionario bilingüe
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Download the PowerPoint presentation “How to Use a Dictionary” suggested in the “recursos” section on your computer or tablet. 2. Ask students what they do when they don’t understand a word. Ask them if they use a dictionary. How to Use a Dictionary Powerpoint

How to Use a Dictionary Powerpoint

Desarrollo 00:40 3. Show students the presentation on the board using the projector. 4. Go over the slides one by one and have volunteers read them. Clarify doubts if necessary. 5. Have students copy the concepts and the examples and ask them to do the activities as they are presented.

Cierre 00:15 6. Once students finish the last activity, have them exchange their papers and ask them to copy their partner’s words in their notebooks to build up a glossary.

Evaluación Assess students' oral expression level: • Students are able toidentify the different parts of a dictionary. • Students are able to recognize and express main ideas. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to understand specific concepts about the use of dictionaries. Assess students’ reading comprehension level: • Students are able to understand a simple reading text and follow directions.

Compartida por: Denise Salazar

0 votos

6577 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 1er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque II Semana 11b
Tema Comprender y escribir instrucciones
Competencia a desarrollar Escribir instrucciones para usar un diccionario bilingüe Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Completa y compone enunciados, a partir de un modelo, para ordenarlos en una secuencia lógica
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Download the worksheet “Alphabetical Order” suggested in the “recursos” section and make photocopies in advance. Have the “Dictionary Design game” ready to use for your class. 2. Remind students the words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order. Alphabetical order

Alphabetical order

Dictionary Design game

Dictionary Design game

Desarrollo 00:35 3. Tell students they will practice organizing words in alphabetical order by as they play a game. Divide the group into two teams and show students the game “Dictionary Design game” using the projector so all students can see it. 5. Read the instructions aloud and make sure students understand what to do. Give each team a turn to solve the question in the game. Play the game in easy and in hard mode two times. 6. Hand out the “Alphabetical Order” worksheets to students, read the instructions and ask them to work individually. Walk around to monitor their work and help them if necessary.

Cierre 00:20 8. Ask students to exchange their papers with another classmate to check their answers. 9. Once they finish, ask students to organize all the words in the worksheet in alphabetical order and make the new list in their notebooks

Evaluación Assess students' oral and written expression levels: • Students are able to organize words in alphabetical order. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to build complete and meaningful sentences.

Compartida por: Denise Salazar

0 votos

6578 Planeación Interactiva de educación básica
Nivel escolar Secundaria Grado escolar 1er grado Asignatura Inglés Bloque II Semana 11c
Tema Comprender y escribir instrucciones
Competencia a desarrollar Escribir instrucciones para usar un diccionario bilingüe Duración 1 hora
Aprendizaje esperado Completa y compone enunciados, a partir de un modelo, para ordenarlos en una secuencia lógica
Etapas Tiempo sugerido Secuencia didáctica MED Página libro de texto
Inicio 00:05 1. Download the worksheet “Dictionary Skills” and the image “Using a Bilingual Dictionary: The Basics” suggested in the “recursos” section and make photocopies for each student. 2. Remind students about the different parts that comprise a dictionary and ask them to mention how each part is used in a dictionary. Dictionary Skills

Dictionary Skills

Using a Bilingual Dictionary: The Basics

Using a Bilingual Dictionary: The Basics

Desarrollo 00:45 3. Show students the image “Using a Bilingual Dictionary: The Basics” using the projector as you explain each one of the concepts and parts of speech. 4. Ask students to copy the example in their notebooks. 5. Give students the photocopies of the “Dictionary Skills”worksheet. Read the instructions and make sure they understand what to do. 6. Ask students to work individually and once they finish, have them work with a partner to check their answers.

Cierre 00:10 7. Ask some volunteers to come to the front and write their words on the board in order to share them with the rest of their classmates.

Evaluación Assess students’ oral and written expression levels: • Students are able to identify the different parts and concepts of a bilingual dictionary entry. • Students are able to recognize and understand the different parts of a dictionary entry. • Students have enough vocabulary that allows them to understand and follow directions.
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