Can you lend me...? Conversation

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Sugerido por Silvia Raya | 19 de Junio de 2020
Primaria > 2do período escolar (6 a 9 años) > Inglés
Trabajo individual y en equipo
Actividad Aplicación

Recomendada para cuando el grupo está:

Estimula principalmente las inteligencias:

A short and simple worksheet for students to practice ‘asking people to do things’.

Sugerencia de uso

1. Download the file and make copies for students.

2. Distribute the worksheet and ask students to name the 4 objects on the page. Then, explain the instructions but read the questions for them so they get some guidance.

3. Tell students they are going to invent a conversation with another student using 2 out of the 4 questions.

4. You may tell students to use as a model the conversation (s) in their textbook.

5. Offer help as needed.

6. Have some volunteers act out  their conversations.

7. Ask students to write the 4 sentences by combining the words accurately and make questions.

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Este MED se usa en estas planeaciones:

Asume el papel de receptor y de emisor para intercambiar saludos, muestras de cortesía y despedidas.

Silvia Raya Silvia

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