Questions about a Sound Experiment

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Sugerido por Silvia Raya | 4 de Junio de 2020
Primaria > 2do período escolar (6 a 9 años) > Inglés
Trabajo individual y en equipo
Actividad Aplicación

Recomendada para cuando el grupo está:

Estimula principalmente las inteligencias:

A video for students to see a sound science experiment and practice asking questions

Sugerencia de uso

1. Use the beam projector to show   the video.

2. tell students they are going to watch a video showing an interesting experiment.

3. Invite students to work in pairs and listen carefully to the instructions.

4. Ask students to write down the instructions using ‘imperatives’, i.e., “put, cut, draw, show, etc.”

5. Monitor and offer help as needed and ask randomly what the instructions are.

6. Ask students to write down three possible questions to the teacher in the video about the experiment, such as “What materials do you need?”

7. Finally, invite students to share their questions with another pair of students.

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Este MED se usa en estas planeaciones:

Participa en la escritura de preguntas para buscar y obtener información.

Silvia Raya Silvia

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