Field Trip Ideas for Middle and High School Students

3 votos


Sugerido por Denise Salazar | 12 de Marzo de 2016
Secundaria > 4to período escolar (12 a 15 años) > Inglés

Trabajo individual y en equipo
Actividad Artículo Pósters y material para exposiciones

Recomendada para cuando el grupo está:

Estimula principalmente las inteligencias:

Online lesson / article about field trip ideas for middle school students. It includes a list of places to visit and a short explanation with suggestions of what to do in some of them.

Sugerencia de uso

1. Project the lesson / article on the board using a projector for everyone to see it. 

2. Read the introduction aloud and make sure students understand what a field trip is. 

3. Have some volunteers help you read the list of different places to visit for a field trip and clarify any possible doubt. To make sure students understand what type of location it is, ask them to name some examples.

4. Have students suggest 3 to 5 locations and then ask them to vote for their favorite one, so they can base their product on it. 


Compartir MED en classroom:

Para compartir en classroom debes iniciar sesión.

Este MED se usa en estas planeaciones:

Interpretar y expresar indicaciones propias de la vida cotidiana
Interpretar y expresar indicaciones propias de la vida cotidiana

Denise Salazar Denise

MED sugeridos:

Un paseo a Marte: La NASA habla de la misión del 2020
Un paseo a Marte:...

Susana Celia

Field Trip Rules
Field Trip Rules


Field Trip Planner
Field Trip Planner


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Will -  Negative
Will - Negative


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